'rotate string v2.bas 2015-06-07 B+ ' my kata is to make this practice interesting phrase="She sells seashells by the seashore." phrase=phrase+" See the shells she sells off a silly shelf." phrase=phrase+" Surely she sells seashore shells... " phrase=ucase(phrase) d=len(phrase) banner="Hi Richey and Bpf! This is *rotate string v2.bas* SmallBasic 2015-06-06 B+ " lb=len(banner) bx=(680-txtw(banner))/2 xc=680/2 : yc=680/2 : r=.9*yc color 14,0 acc=.75 : cut=lb repeat cls print "to quit: or " color 11,0 at bx,yc:print mid(banner+left(banner,cut),cut+1) color 14,0 cut+=1 cut=(cut mod lb) +1 dim x(d) dim y(d) dm=d-1 for i=0 to dm t=cos((i/d+acc)*2*pi) x(i)=xc+t*r t=sin((i/d+acc)*2*pi) y(i)=yc+t*r next for i=0 to dm at x(i),y(i): print mid(phrase,i+1,1) next acc=acc-.85/d delay 90 k=inkey until (len(k)=1 and asc(k)=27) or k="q" or k=" " locate 0,0:? space(33) locate 0,0:? "Goodbye!"